Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The search is on...

The Challenger: My mother...
The Challenge: To find bridesmaid dresses for my sister's wedding...
The Catch: For around $30.00 apiece. *Dun Dun Dun*

All right. So you see the challenge before me. We are talking INexpensive! This is mostly due to the fact that my parents are paying for the bridesmaid dresses along with everything else. So I have begun my search.

Firstly, I found a dress from Isaac Mizrahi's line at Target for only $39.99.

This one is a bit more playful and would probably need really glam heels and a white shrug over it to make it more appropriate as a bridesmaid dress but I think it could work. It is on sale right now for $19.99.

This cutie is only $49.00 from Newport News but you can find it here .

Found here and here. These Mossimo dresses are on the casual side but again, the right shoes, shrug, and jewelry could dress them up and make them work. These I found on sale for $16.99 and $19.99, respectively.

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