Tuesday, April 29, 2008

'Tis the time for...babies?

April showers bring May...babies. I don't know about you, but in the next few months I have to amass a stockpile of teeny tiny clothes, shoes, and toys for at least five babies due to be born! I actually have to peel myself away from anything so tiny and cute when I am in stores or else I would have a wardrobe full of baby stuff without a baby! Anyway, here are some cute things I found on Etsy (etsy.com for anyone who hasn't heard of this site yet...though I don't think there is anyone left who hasn't heard of it...). Note to self: only look for baby stuff for other people, only look for baby stuff for other people, only look...


Cute hats AND a squishy baby! (although I don't think the baby is for sale...blast...)

(Etsy sellers: #1-layette, #2-malindi, #3-bellasymphony, #4-daskaninchen)

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